2019 AGM Minutes

  1. Held at Friends Meeting House, Hill Street, Coventry.  1 November 2019.  Meeting started at 20:00
  2. Present: Robin Adams, Simon Clarke, Ian Foster, Libby Foster, Marina Friend, Dave Hearn, Keith Jeacock, Alan Jelley, Peter Milton, Philippa Milton, Paul Morton, Vicky Palethorpe, Michael Rayner, George Riches, Peter Seamen, Jill Seamen, Mike Thomas, Ann Thomas, Bob Tinley, Paul Whitehead.
  3. Apologies: John Allsop, Margaret Hearn, Mark Jacobson, Carl Lewis, Jeffrey Palethorpe, Roger Shelbourn
  4. Matters arising from the previous Annual General Meeting (held on Friday 2 November 2018): None
  5. Secretary’s Annual Report: Accepted pending minor modifications
  6. Treasurer’s Annual Report: Accepted pending minor modifications
  7. Chairman’s remarks: Accepted
  8. Election of group committee 2019/20. The following were elected nem con:
    • Obligatory roles which must be performed by different people:
      • Chair Bob Tinley. Proposed George Riches, Seconded Paul Morton.
      • Treasurer Keith Jeacock. Proposed Dave Hearn, Seconded Simon Clarke.
      • Secretary Victoria Palethorpe. Proposed Mike Thomas, Seconded Jill Seamen
    • Obligatory roles which can be performed by people who also have other roles:
      • Registration Officer George Riches. Proposed Simon Clarke, Seconded Allan Jelley.
      • Welfare Officer Mike Thomas. Proposed Victoria Palethorpe, Seconded Dave Hearn.
      • Promotions Officer Allan Jelley. Proposed Dave Hearn, Seconded Mike Thomas
    • Optional roles
      • President Gordon Mead. Proposed Peter Seamen, Seconded Simon Clarke
      • Clubroom Secretary Dave Hearn. Proposed Ann Thomas, Seconded Mike Thomas
      • Webmaster Allan Jelley. Proposed Jill Seamen, Seconded Mike Thomas
      • Committee members Simon Clarke, Philippa Milton, Peter Seamen. Proposed George Riches, Seconded Bob Tinley
  9. Auditor Paul Whitehead. Proposed George Riches, Seconded Bob Tinley
  10. Any Other Business: It was proposed to hold four committee meetings and 2 ride leader meetings over the coming year.

George Riches