We have just published our 2025 Womens Group International Women’s Day event information – click here to read it
Women are hugely underrepresented in cycling. Only 20% of Cycling UK members are female, and women make up about a quarter of cyclists as a whole….
…HOWEVER they are also the group that have the most to gain from taking part in a fun, healthy and sociable activity.

In Coventry CTC we are proud to say that we have grown the number of Women riders taking part in our Rides Programme over the last couple of years, and recently the percentage of female rider joining in with our Rides stands at 45% !

Our women attend all kinds of rides (long, short, stamina building and if you are just starting, especially our Introductory rides) and UK and European Tours.
In Coventry CTC we know what women enjoy the most during a ride: camaraderie, the lack of pressure, and the chance to discuss topics such as families and friendships,cultural events, practical and comfortable clothing, dealing with saddle sores(!) as much as the technical or physical challenges.
In support of this we have a number of female focused activities and events
- We offer Women Only mid-week rides, advertised through our Women’s What’sApp group. To join this write to women@coventryctc.org.uk
- We organise at least one Womens Group Tour each year
- We participate in International Womens Day
To join us please contact women@coventryctc.org.uk