Please read this page and and the bottom of the page let us know your thoughts on how to schedule our 2024 Celebrations
Each year the Women’s Group within the Club supports International Women’s Day by organising a women’s ride and gathering together. For 2024 our aims are to:
- Meet and mark International Women’s day
- Share our love of cycling and our clubs
- Welcome and talk to visitors about the benefits cycling brings
- Promote cycling to women and encourage those who don’t yet ride, or haven’t tried sociable group riding, to begin cycling with us
In 2022 more than 50 women who cycled from various centres across the region joined us at Millennium Square Coventry.
Click here for the report and full set of photos
In 2023, in poor weather, a much smaller group, cycled from Coventry to Barston Lakes to meet with others in the welcome shelter of the West Midlands Golf Club.
International Women’s Day 2024
We are now turning our minds to how to celebrate International Women’s Day in 2024.
The aim of the IWD 2024 #InspireInclusion campaign is to collectively forge a more inclusive world for women. When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment.

However IWD in 2024 faces a unique scheduling challenge and we need your guidance as to what we should do ?
The background is that IWD always falls on 8th March and we have always sought to organise our celebration on the closest Sunday to maximise the opportunity for women to attend. In 2024 this might not be practical because Mother’s Day, which moves year by year because it is always the 4th Sunday in Lent, falls on 10 March, which is also the nearest Sunday to International Women’s Day. Much as our members love to cycle they have to recognise their obligations to and expectations of their families and many have said they will find it difficult to attend.
We think that there are two options and would love to hear which one you think is best
Please select one option and press ‘SUBMIT’ (This is entirely anonymous!)