Foleshill Road

Coventry City Council is consulting on possible improvements.

Adam Tranter, Coventry’s Bicycle Mayor, has a good grasp of the ideas under consideration.

He writes

“Foleshill Road is one of the most hostile areas in the city for cycling, walking and driving. New average speed cameras are already coming in, but through the government’s Active Travel Fund, there is now funding for a cycle lane from the city centre to just past the Lockhurst Lane junction. Combined with potential bus gates, the through traffic in the area can be much decreased and alternative transport options provided. The majority of traffic on Foleshill Road is not adding any value to the community – most are using it as a cut through to get to the M6 and/or the city centre (people should be using the A444); as such, the road is one of the worst polluted in the city.”

“The scheme’s budget will mean the council will use wands for segregation from traffic for people cycling and there will be junction safety improvements for cycling; cyclists will have priority over side roads and the route will be continuous and direct.”

The council is taking on board every consultation response, so if you’re able to support the scheme, showing it by completing the web form would be much appreciated.  As Adam puts it “A lot of people drive through the area and will be frustrated that they will no longer be able to do so. Therefore, it’s important to make sure there are as many positive voices as possible.” If people are to switch from car to bicycle, it’s important that the routes are direct and cyclists are not held up by long delays at traffic signals.  People walking shouldn’t have a long wait to cross Foleshill Road either.

Adam also writes that “public realm improvements including parklets (mini seating areas in the space of parking bays) as well as general improvement of the shopping areas should be implemented as soon as possible.”


The consultation website is at

Deadline: Sunday 11th April 2021

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