As a fun approach for the Club giving something back to the community we have have decided to support a local Charity related to cycling for the Centenary Year.
We have selected the local Air Ambulance (Warwickshire /Northamptonshire) as it provides a very worthy service in support of injured cyclists.

As from September 1st 2020( date to be confirmed) we will be asking riders to make a nominal voluntary donation of just a £1 each time they join an organised ride.
The Ride Leaders will collect the donations in a identifiable Collection Bag, probably at a refreshment stop, and then the donations will be passed on to the Club Treasurer.
We will also aim to give attendees at our Events and Activities a chance to also make donations
We are aiming to raise a total of £1000.
A representative of Air Ambulance will attend the Centenary Dinner to receive a cheque.
We aim to start the collection from the 6th September 2020 to give us a full year through to closing the Collection and presenting the funds to the Air Ambulance at the Dinner in October 2021.
Please remember to bring along your £1 coins to each ride !
Organiser – Paul Whithead