Last updated March 12th 2024
Have you got a bit of free time and a desire to help us keep this club approachable, accessible
and lively?
More activities will become available in the coming weeks and if you are interested to help us in any of these roles, or have other ideas please contact either
Bob: or. Vicky:
The Bulletin
Bob and Sak have worked to make the editors job a really simple operation. Could you be on the Editorial team once a month to share this job?
If you don’t fancy baking a bulletin can you bake a cake?
The planning team will be looking for cake bakers in September to contribute to the 100 km Ride which is one of the key events of the club year.
And if you prefer to stick to riding a bike , can you support our ride leaders by offering to back mark when you are out on your ride
Promoting our club
If you use social media, could you help us with our Facebook or Instagram pages? Ian O’Donnell who is a great supporter of the club and leads a company promoting small businesses, has offered to show us ways on how we make these more effective for promoting the club.
A day out or two
Dave would like the support of a couple of people to help organise another trip to Derby Velo this year. Sharing the different organisational tasks makes this a pleasure rather than a big deal.
Someone organised and able to delegate?
Over the years Vicky has stripped down the Secretary’s role to a matter of note-taking at the 4/5 committee meetings of the year and the AGM, and keeping an eye on the club’s email box. (Average time an hour a week she redirects the majority of queries to others)